We developed a low latency stereoscopic head worn magnifier for use by surgeons, dentists, and people with Low Vision caused by macular or retinal issues. At right shows the stereoscopic low latency video magnifier initial tests and alignment in a cardboard fixture. This was the first prototype of four manufactured for studies on alignment and set up as well as software development.

At left shows the camera pair mounted in a headset used for studies on inter-camera spacing for specific applications. Camera spacing and convergence is particular to the intended task to provide best depth perception while limiting distortions within the stereoscopic image.

The next three prototypes were housed in a virtual reality headset for convenience and low cost. This provided for inter-ocular adjustment and display focus for the user. It is shown here looking at a resolution target. The prototype system provided magnification from 1 to 8 times without additional lenses.

A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was custom designed to interface with a set of 13 Megapixel sensors for an ultra low latency stereoscopic design. Camera to eye latency is less than 100 ms.